Measure 4-223
Measure 4-223 Passes! Thank you Clatsop County Community.
(Renewal of five-year local tax option for operations)
You Voted YES on Measure 4-223 on May 16th, 2023
Tax levy funds critical upgrades to Clatsop Care Health District Facilities.
Renewed. No increase in tax.
In may of 2018, the voters of Clatsop County approved a 5-year operating tax levy to provide program enhancements, critical maintenance, and technology upgrades to the facilities of Clatsop Care Center Health District, which include Clatsop Care Health & Rehabilitation, Clatsop Care Memory Community, Clatsop Care In-Home Services, Clatsop Care Retirement Village. Measure 4-223 was renewed on May 16, 2023 with no increase in tax ( Guided by the Tax Levy oversight Committee comprised of board members, residents and staff members, the tax levy funds have been used to fuel projects that enhance safety, communication, and ensure the longevity of the Health District for years to come. We wanted to provide you with an update on the projects we’ve completed and what we are planning for the future.
Phone systems and Wi-Fi capabilities were upgraded at Clatsop Retirement Village and Clatsop Care Health & Rehabilitation. This provides residents and staff additional communication capabilities that have helped with the increase in tele-health visits and video visits.
The District was able to convert our email to a cloud-based system reducing maintenance and expenses.
New nurse call systems for Health & Rehabilitation and Memory Community.
Computer systems, storage, and accessories for all facilities to improve information processing and access to critical records.
Clatsop Care Memory Community made critical upgrades to their generator and fuel storage system to ensure the highest safety in the event of a storm or power outage.
Clatsop Care Health & Rehabilitiation Center purchased new mechanical lifts for greater safety to residents and staff.
New siding, weatherproofing and two elevators were installed at Retirement Village.
A new porte cochere has been built at Clatsop Care Retirement Village. This project provides shelter from inclement weather to residents as they enter or exit the building.
Health & Rehabilitation purchased a new bus for transportation and activities events.
New furniture for Clatsop Care Memory Community.
The Tax Levy is up for renewal May 16, 2023 as Measure 4-223. If granted, we plan to repair and replace windows as well as fix physical plant issues and updates at Clatsop Care Health & Rehabilitation.
For Clatsop Care Memory Community we want to purchase new dining room doors, add air conditioning to community rooms, add a sign by the entrance.
For Clatsop Care Retirement Village we are looking at a remodel of the interior.
Purchase an additional bus. Currently Retirement Village and Memory Community share a bus.
Impact study for moving Health & Rehabilitation to a new building.
In-Home Care computers, phone equipment, and Electronic Health Records software.
Clatsop Care Center Health District, a not-for-profit organization, provides services to seniors and to those who need specialized care. Our mission is to provide a continuum of highest quality care to meet the physical, social and emotional needs of our community. Your partners in care, close to home.
How you helped: Talking to your family friends and neighbors. Presented it to your church members and other community organizations. You let your representatives and elected officials know that you support this and want their endorsement. You talked to influential people in your community and that own businesses and are employers. You submitted letters to the editor of your local newspaper and radio stations. Thank you for your action and support!